If you have been charged with a criminal case, you might be discouraged about getting a lawyer. Whether you feel you should just accept charges or you might not have the money to pay for a defense, you can actually cause irreversible changes to your future. Here are three things that might adversely affect your life if you stand for criminal charges in court without a lawyer by your side.
1. You Might Miss Out on Ways to Defend Your Case
You might be at a loss as to what to do once you have been charged with a criminal offense. You might be ready to throw in the towel and just plead guilty to charges. Depending on convictions, this can go on your permanent record and can cause long term problems for your employment options. It can be hard to see all sides of your own charges, so it is good to have an outside perspective.
2. You Might Not be Taken Seriously by Judges and the Court System
If you go into court or hearings without a criminal attorney, it might not seem as if you are taking your situation seriously. It can be hard to understand all of the ins and outs of a court situation. Without the guidance of a criminal defense attorney, you might make missteps or even offend judges or others in court. It is best if you can find a criminal attorney that can be there with you every step of the way and ensure that you look professional, informed, and serious about your case.
3. You Might not be Able to Fight for the Best Plea Deal
You might be offered a plea deal to either drop your charges to a lesser crime or other variation that can lessen your criminal offenses. While you might jump at a plea, it can be hard to understand all of the nuances when it comes to accepting this. It is better to bring in an experienced attorney that can review a plea offer and go over with you whether accepting this would make sense. Some plea deals can be for lesser crimes, but still come with steep penalties or even jail time that your attorney might advise against.
If you did commit a crime, this doesn't necessarily mean that the punishment on the table is just. A criminal defense attorney can see all parts of your case and help minimize the damage of criminal charges on your record. Be sure to think twice before forgoing counsel in a criminal case.